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Global inflation printing industry in China to usher in a new "opportunity"


At present, China's printing industry is facing a dilemma, printing companies are facing challenges. Data show that in 2011, a total printing enterprises in China 10 million, a decrease of 1,930 from the previous year, a 1.8% reduction; employing 3.56 million people, 9.7 million less than the previous year, a decrease of 2.7%; printing industry output value reached 867.7 billion yuan, an increase of 12.59%. These enterprise printing companies disappear or transformation or restructuring, or bankruptcy. I believe that such signs that China's printing industry is facing serious challenges, and the launch of this QE3 single printing enterprises in China from imported favorable. The depreciation of the dollar, the RMB appreciation. Materials, printing machinery imported from abroad, in a sense, to be cheap on a lot. Forward to printing enterprises in China has brought a small fortune in profits. I believe that printing enterprises in China should seize this opportunity to take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of printing "Dilemma", in particular small and medium-sized printing enterprise. However, for export-oriented printing businesses, could be "worse."

Status of the printing industry
As we all know, our printing. However, China's printing enterprises, small and medium-sized accounting for the vast majority of uneven and the overall quality of the industry, the most backward from the most modern enterprises to small business workshops abound. The small workshop competitiveness poor, in order to survive at all to grab orders lower than the cost of wages, so caught in the vicious circle of price competition in the industry; the same time, these companies naturally can not put more money technology and equipment to enhance the overall competitiveness of the Chinese printing industry is being undermined. Most important in the development of China's printing industry too quickly, so-called because there must be fruit, which also contributed to one of the main cause of the status quo of China's printing industry.

This, I use an example to illustrate the drawbacks of excessive development of the printing industry. Take to build a house, we all know that start to build a house to start the foundation, then the next step is playing safe, "life" brought to this house if any a loophole in the middle, it is very likely threat, such as the foundation is not solid, shoddy work. In the printing industry, originally, we should be in the process of "building a house" stable playing safe, but because of the level of technology is more backward, so last resort "by means of" external forces to develop the domestic printing industry. Partly because of this, our only be regarded as printing large country, rather than printing powerhouse, the reason is just because there is no core technology as well as the main spindle, If the the foreign printing industry problems, then the printing industry in China is bound to have been implicated.

Printing companies: technology is the key
The technology is the benchmark of an enterprise, especially for the printing industry, especially. Now, printing companies need no longer be "the number of enterprises, the path taken by the Chinese printing industry is no longer printing large country. The printing of the status quo of the printing industry, the number of firms or the printing industry "confused" one of the reasons. Saying solidified called: "soldiers are not is fine!" A physical prowess assassin and can cope with the siege of dozens of people, if we are in the printing industry, to focus on technology development, then I think, out of printing "Dilemma" will not be far from the truth.

"Printing large country spans printing powerhouse" in which the technology is a "gap" Only we in this chasm filled, or put up a sturdy bridge we can cross the divide, arrived in the printing power.

Of course, the global inflation will have a certain impact on the printing industry in China, but I think this will be the cornerstone of the Chinese printing industry to buy the "the printing powerhouse" best bridge ".